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Did you know that April Fools' Day is celebrated all over the world? April Fools Day is a fun day full of practical jokes, laughter, and the element of surprise. But  how did it all start?  It is thought that April Fools' Day started in France...

Spring is finally here! And for many of us that means it’s time to start cleaning. Cleaning and decluttering your home after a long winter is a great way to reduce stress and make injuries less likely. Reducing the amount of dust and buildup in...

Did you know that keeping your hips healthy reduces your risk for falls and fractures. As we age it is natural to experience loss of muscle and bone loss, and an increased risk of falls. There is evidence that exercise and stretching can intervene this...

Did you know that February’s 28 days date back to the second king of Rome, Numa Pompilius? Prior to his reign as king, Rome’s lunar calendar had only 10 months. It began in March and ended in December. It was though that the time between...

Garden Plaza of Valley View sends you the very best wishes on this special holiday. Please accept our warm regards as we take this day to express our gratitude for our residents, and don’t forget to cherish the ones you love today. We love our...

Did you know that independent living can actually cost less than living in your home? Once you join a senior living community you will be free from the stress of property taxes, homeowners’ insurance, costly repairs and maintenance. At Garden Plaza of Valley View we offer...

2022 has definitely been an interesting year full of rapid growth and surprising endings. Here are just a few noteworthy events from this year that we felt were worth mentioning. James Webb Telescope: Back in July the first five images from the James Webb Telescope were...