27 Nov Keeping Yourself Busy While Staying Indoors
Staying active and involved year-round is important for everyone, especially seniors. For most of us Winter is when we spend most of our time indoors. This doesn’t mean you can’t make it fun, though. Not only does staying active help to raise your mood and increase your energy; it boosts your brain health too! That’s why staying active no matter the weather is so important. Here is a list of 6 ways to stay active during the chilly days of Winter.
Indoor Gardening
Wintertime is generally not associated with gardening. However, one way to keep your green thumb at bay is to start an indoor herb garden. It can be so much fun to watch your plants grow and plan the dishes you’ll add them to come Spring. You can also grow indoor house plants to keep your space bright and festive throughout the season.
Arts & Crafts
Finding ways to stay creative and inspired while indoors is important for our mental health. There’s lots you can do with things you may already have at home. Gather up your old magazines and get ready to think outside of the box while creating a beautiful collage. This is a fun way to repurpose recyclable items and have a little fun, too. Another fun way to get creative is to gather up those boxes of old photographs you’ve been meaning to do something with and start a scrapbook. Another tried and true Winter craft is knitting or crochet, both are great ways to maintain dexterity and create something warm and cozy.
Did you know that people who solve puzzles like jigsaw, crossword, sudoku etc. have higher cognitions levels? Puzzles of any sort are a great way for your brain to flex its muscles and keep it in tip-top shape. Another thing about puzzles is that they are boredom busters and keep your brain busy.
Playing games like cards, bingo and dominoes are a great way to create an enlivened social environment while staying indoors. Not only do they cause our brains to stretch, but they also keep us feeling connected to the people in our community and promote a team spirit.
Book Club:
Love reading? One thing you could do is start a book club with community members or join one that already exists. Being part of a book club gives you something to look forward to. Discussing the book you read with other members during a weekly meeting. It’s a great way to socialize and an opportunity to read books you may have never thought to read.
Chair Yoga:
Although it can seem harder to get as much physical activity during the Winter; it is important to find fun ways to stay limber. Chair yoga is a great way to keep your body moving even if you are in a smaller space. There are plenty of fun exercises you can do indoors.
Remember, staying indoors does not mean that you must be bored. There are so many fun things to do inside. The key is to keep your mind engaged and to have some fun.