07 Jul Summertime Fitness Tips for Seniors
During the dog days of Summer it can be hard to find the motivation to stay active. Here are some safe ways for seniors to keep moving during the Summer. Before you consider starting a new fitness plan, always remember it is important to consider your own limitations, and to always consult a healthcare professional before embarking on a new fitness journey.
First and foremost it is important to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water before and after workouts in order to maintain proper hydration. Staying hydrated is important during any time of year; but especially during the Summer.
Mall walking is one of the safest and coolest ways to stay fit during the summer. If you’re not a fan of the sun and want to enjoy air conditioning, and maybe a little window shopping with friends, mall walking is a perfect fit!
Water exercise is a fun way to stay cool and toned during the Summer. If you’re more of a solo person, swimming laps is a refreshing way to get your heartrate up and tone the whole body. For those who like some social time, water aerobics is a super fun way to stay fit and have a good laugh with friends old and new.
Tai Chi and Yoga are great ways to channel your energy into a focused and calm state while increasing your balance and gently toning your muscles.
If you love being in nature; gardening is a productive and gratifying way to stay fit. You can watch your favorite flowers bloom or grow your own food all while getting a nice dose of vitamin D and connecting with nature. It’s pretty much the full package deal.
If you have limited mobility chair exercises are a safe way to stay fit and beat the heat. Chair exercises are a great way to maintain balance, muscle tone and agility.
No matter what you do, always listen to your body and know your physical limits. Remember, it is very important to work with a health professional or personal trainer in order to create a safe workout routine that is specifically tailored to your individual needs. You can even bring some of these ideas to your doctor and get advice on how to participate safely.